






美国大学生数学建模竞赛 (MCM/ICM) 由美国数学及其应用联合会主办, 是唯一的国际性数学建模竞赛, 自1985年以来,美国大学生数学建模竞赛已经 成功举办39届,2023年大赛吸引了来自美国、中国、澳大利亚、加拿大、英国、印度等 多个国家与地区的高校,包括哥伦比亚大学、纽约大学、剑桥大学、帝国理 工学院、哈佛大学、康奈尔大学以及北京大学、清华大学、上海交通大学、  西安交通大学、华南理工大学等全球众多高校在内的20895支队伍参赛,11296个队伍参加MCM,9563个队伍参加ICM,共评出37项特等奖,获奖率约 0.17%。MCM22支、ICM15支,获得得 COMAP Scholarship Award (1万美元奖学 金) 仅有4支,其中3支分别来自天津大学、北京理工大学,东北大学另外1支来自美国杜克大学。


主办单位:美国数学及其应用联合会、美国 comap 公司


1.比赛时间:  (北京时间:2024年2月2日,早晨6:00点,星期五) 至 (北京时间:2024年2月6 日,上午9:00,星期二)

2.提交截止日期:  (北京时间:2024年2月6日,上午10:00,星期二)

3.比赛结果:结果将于2024年5月31 日或之前发布。



·特等奖(Outstanding Winner:<1%)



·二等奖(Honourable Metion:24%)

·成功参与奖(Successful Participant:64%)



·特等奖(Outstanding Winner:<1%)



·二等奖(Honourable Metion:18%)

·成功参与奖(Successful Participant:69%)




各参赛队伍在报名主页:http://www.nmmcm.org.cn/match_detail/31 上自行注册报名,缴费成功后,报名费不予退还。





3 Assumptions
In order to construct our model, we made various simplifying assumptions for the Maasai Mara itself, and for the interactions between each of the processes we modelled in the preservation, as follows:
3.1 Maasai Mara
M-I. Dynamical unifomity: We treat the Maasai Mara in its entirety as one dynamical system, rather than multiple systems interacting with each other. In reality, areas like the Mara Triangle (which is even administered by a different entity to the rest of the preserve) may present different dynamic patterns.
M-2. Mara conservancies The Mara conservancies were all created in the 21st century as alternatives to the natural preserve. Our model does not consider the effect of these conservancies on poaching,tourism, and environmental degradation, though it is likely they do have some effect, by diluting activity beyond just the preserve.
3.2 Fauna
F-1. Classifying fauna: Fauna will fit into two categories – predators and prey.
F-2. Prey growth rate: The population of prey grows in a logistic fashion, limited by a baseline carrying capacity that is negatively affected by the incidence of environmental degradation. That is. greater degradation decreases the carrying capacity for prey.
F-3. Predator growth rate: The predator growth rate is proportional to the population of prey. That is,an increase in the amount of prey will lead to predator population growth, as there is more food availability
F-4. Negative extemal infiuences on prey population: The prey population is hindered by predators and poaching, both of which are proportional to the current prey population
F-5. Migration rate: The outward migratory rate of prey is proportional to the environmental degradation Inherent inward migratory rate is taken to be a positive constant Because environmental degradation is assumed to be periodic, this makes migratory patterns periodic too. Predators are assumed not to follow migratory patterns. so their population is not affected by migration.
F-6. Human influence on predators: The predator population is hindered by both retaliatory killings by the Maasai people and tourism, which are both proportional to the current predator population. More predators means a greater likelihood of attacks on farmers’ cattle, while greater tourist populations hinders normal activity of predators.
3.3 Tourism

T-1. Eristence: Tourism is an intrinsic phenomenon. Regardless of the status of the preservation, there will be a non-zero level of tourism.
T-2. Tourists do not like crowding: There is an inherent propensity for tourists to prefer less crowded and better maintained destinations, regulated by some ” attractiveness” factor. So, few tourists in a destination will attract a proportionally larger amount of new tourists than a large amount.
T-3. Environmental Degradation: The only factors that affect tourism are itself (more tourism makes a growth in tourism hard due to the aforementioned crowding) and environmental degradation, which has a negative effect. That is, the presence of poaching or retaliatory killings, and the relative health of fauna populations does not affect tourism.
T-4. Uniform behavior: Variation in tourist background and behavior is not modelled: that is, all tourists are assumed to fall under the same bucket, instead of splitting them into luxury travellers, adventure travellers. etc. Their effects are thus also all identical at the individual level



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